Cluster Gatherings in Jax Florida.

Thus says the LORD: “As the new wine is found in the cluster, And one says, ‘Do not destroy it, For a blessing is in it,’ So will I do for My servants’ sake, That I may not destroy them all.

Costa Rica. The Crest of the Wave Nation!.

In November of last year, we took the most fantastic team into Costa Rica. I heard from almost all sources and places, that these sons and daughters of God showed more oneness in the assignment than many had ever seen in their entire lives. It was my 18th trip, and I had sowed 9 years into this nation. The International assignment needed us to represent the ministry of Jesus well.
This team didn't go into easy traveling circumstances or easy ministry circumstances, but they all rose to the occasion. I was blessed to lead them, and look forward to them going with me into even more nations, even if it is for me just to carry their bags.
From this team I have made smaller specialists teams that will be in nations later this year including a prophetic team to begin to work on the revelation of prophetic company strategy which is already having tremendous impact in how the leaders are looking at the prophetic.
I never gave them a lot of public love at the time, but these are trustworthy people I am honored to run with. I love you all. Some are still with us, others have moved on, but you all have place in my heart. Let's go!!!!

Possess the Gates Jax 2022

​Serving the people and destiny of Freedom House for 14 years was a true honor. We bless them and all that the Lord has put in their hearts for the future.
If you are curious as to how we are moving forward now, you can see more below from a recent Possess the Gates event where I received instruction, counsel, guidance, and encouragement from trusted apostles and prophets.