Year of Readiness
October 16, 2024
For those who are asking for my 2020-2030 pattern teaching, I want to tell you some aspects that we entered into this new Hebrew year.
This year will be the most important year of readiness as a powerful restorative anointing comes upon the body. Why? This is the year the righteous judge has issued a judgment about “false covering.”
He is taking us down to nakedness to expose the hidden, and also bring us as one into a place of standing together in corporate anointing that will elevate Jesus for the great harvest. We will have 5 years where each year a new highlight upon the body will come.
There are leaders that are battling if they should lay it all down, and they should. You know who you are. Be brave!!!! Recently I gave away my influence in a movement that took years of my life within move of the Spirit that is touching nations. God asked for it. I thought it was all His until He asked for it. The seed went into the ground and died. I had to pass the Isaac test of leadership. Hardest. Thing. Ever. Best. Thing. Ever. Your harvest land may not be the land you have toiled and sowed in for decades.
You have to give God something you have built, that would bring glory to you. This is how you exit your storyline and enter His. Watch for these things this year :
- A call to release what is yours and “serve” someone else’s vision that ends up being your destiny.
- An aggression against the comfort you live in now.
- Big shifts God calls as a suddenly moment that attacks rationale and logic.
- An invitation into restorative moments where you cannot hide the exposure.
You can do this beloved, I feel the father’s heart believing in you. Today I stand in a nation that was never on my radar intimately aware it was hidden beyond the door of suffering. Destiny is calling but first we die so that He may live.