What we are seeing now and what will increase through 2025.
January 3, 2025
Blog posts may not usually be this transparent, but here we go.
In 2019, the Lord began to encounter me in an unusual way, sharing specific and strategic insights about the decade of the 2020s. This wasn’t about a president or a party; it was about the Lord preparing us for a movement. This movement would not rely on man, though many men and women would participate and labor toward its fullness.
Having never experienced this type of encounter with Jesus, I was appropriately skeptical. However, by 2021–2023, it became evident that what I had seen and heard was correct. This year, my boldness to share has increased in hopes of helping others.
The culmination of the prophetic process led me to the Strong’s Concordance, specifically to the Hebrew word for 5785, our current Hebrew year that began at Rosh Hashanah. The word means “to be exposed, laid bare, uncovered, skin.”This aligned perfectly with the pattern I had been shown. Here are my prophetic predictions and what I believe the Lord is revealing:
Prophetic Insights for 2025
1. Exposure on All Levels
2025 will be a year where exposure—already evident at a macro level—becomes microscopic in the hearts of believers as the light of the Holy Spirit is released powerfully. It will be a “sword in the sand”moment where mercy ends, and judgment falls in pleasant places.
2. Revival Marked by Repentance
Pockets of revival, defined by repentance, will emerge, especially within the “21 and below generation.”The Lord is thrusting forth a sickle for a harvest of harvesters.
3. Leaders in Training
Leaders are enduring the most gut-wrenching personal processes to rapidly prepare for the soul harvest that will become evident as we enter the 2030s.
4. A New Missionary Movement
A modern missionary movement is progressing toward readiness, sending those called into the unknown. This will be fueled by hearts captivated by the intercessions of Christ, propelling us toward the restoration of all things. Leaders being prepared now will sense: “I know I am being made ready for more”even as current leaders claim they are already ready. Stand firm in your readiness journey.
5. Rebuilding David’s Tabernacle
Regions will receive unobstructed instructions on rebuilding expressions of David’s Tabernacle. Worship and intercession will merge, manifesting God’s glory. This will be a place where leaders “cast down their crowns”in an eternal dance of submission to Christ.
6. Financial Realignment
Finances will flow to resource God’s rescue plan. Ministries—even good ones—will dry up. Funds will flow toward new assignments, while leaders with impure hearts will point fingers as mini-kingdoms, structures, and denominations shake to free God’s people.
7. False Ekklesia Exposed
The “false Ekklesia” will publicly call the true, arising Ekklesia false, revealing a culture of accusation, fear, and control. In Genesis 3:15–21, Yahweh removes Adam and Eve’s false coverings and provides an act of love through a better covering. This Protoevangeliumpoints to God’s ultimate plan for humanity: restoration under His glory, not their own.
God’s Judgments in 2025
1. Against False Coverings
God is coming after everything that separates Him from what is His. This year, His judgment will target false coverings, Christs, and callings. He wants us covered in His Glory, for His Glory.
• False Coverings: Polarizing teachings on coverings will be clarified. God’s new wineskins will emphasize love, biblical authority, and submission to Christ, not duty or control.
• False Christs: Leaders without authentic power will experience dramatic exposure or revival through supernatural encounters. Those who remain false will quit or collapse.
• False Callings: Callings that are no longer aligned with God’s present purpose will be revealed as false. Continuing in such callings will lead to rebellion if God has shown otherwise.
Personal Reflection
On December 28th, I stood on the platform at East Gate in Jacksonville and declared God’s judgment against false callings, saying, “If you have a calling you are not meant to walk into, it needs to come off now so you can stop carrying it forward.”
In that moment, I felt completely exposed, as though something that had been there was gone. The prophetic mantle I had carried “blew away as though it never was.” I stood before my home base, stripped of boldness, confidence, and ability, utterly exposed. It had hit me first!
God is not allowing for space in 2025. This kind of exposure will happen wherever and whenever He decides, revealing readiness or lack thereof.
Sometimes, those who see you as strong must witness your personal weakness. This aligns with my current transition, moving into deeper missional ministry as I approach my 45th birthday. This decentralization of authority will continue as we move toward the 2030s.
Welcome the exposure.