The power at the table of commUNION

The power at the table of commUNION

December 18, 2024

In order to properly understand the principles of table which then moves towards expansion into tribe, and finally team, we must understand the initiating place of capturing this revelation as the table of communion.

The table of communion is the foundational and most important table.

The reason is that the outflow of all relationship in the body comes from union with Christ that brings us into the powerful oneness with the trinity. Jesus fought and won a hard battle for this. In John 17, He speaks of His desire to bring us all the way in to Him.

Not just Him, but the Father, and the Spirit as well. Oneness.

At the table of communion, we learn to be one with God, at the table of fellowship we call TRIBE, we learn to become unified with one another, and reach up into spiritual oneness of heart by the Holy Spirit. This last step is not a work of man as it is impossible, and can only occur when we share in our covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob revealed and made possible by the finished work of Christ.

Whenever we enter into the Lord’s table with holy sacrament, we experience the life that flows in, at, and from this table.

The table of Communion is the table of acceptance even though not ALL is acceptable. We realize this in Paul’s discourse about partaking ( an important word) from the table of demons, and the table of the Lord at the same time.

We must be careful what we attempt to bring into our union with Christ. Demons at not welcome at the table of the Lord. So any demons within us, must be dealt with often at the table of trust, the place of accountability, where transformation occurs.

We may desire that this be dealt with at the table of communion, and at times this can occur. I have had one such occurrence, and it was life changing. However, it was preceded, and concluded at my table of trust. Each person at my table of trust in a ministry setting were ministering to me out of their overflow from their table of communion. In this way, while we receive people, our ultimate reliance is not upon them, but upon the one who “sent them.”

This is the powerful interdependence the revelation of tables help us explore.