Introduction to Tables

Introduction to Tables

December 21, 2024

As I discuss tables, great conversations come up. These conversations are often about the nuances in understanding abstract spiritual principles that need to be applied into the natural dynamics that impact people.

What do I mean!?

Put simply, I mean that it can be hard to talk about spiritual things when spirituality itself can be, and is intended to be, understood differently within the context of shared assignment. So, we work hard to try and communicate spiritual things simply. The gift of the TEACHER in the body is to simplify complicated things, I will attempt to do that here. I will start by introducing the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of the tables, that which we share with God. I call this, the table of communion.

Remember that every table is connected to every other table, BUT the table of communion makes connection with all other tables POSSIBLE.

Ephesians 2:19

"So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household."

When speaking of house building, Proverbs 9 tells us of the house wisdom builds. This house is furnished and the table set. This is important as we talk about tables within God's OIKOS, or household, lineage, or dwelling.

The table of communion with you the reader, and God is the entry way into everything else available, and yet every table exists within HIM. Jesus is both the door and the destination. In Him IS fullness of the Godhead, bodily, and in Him is life forevermore.

He is the door, or the keeper of the table and invites you into this shared space having paid the price of entry, His very own blood. Hallelujah!

This is the Table of acceptance.

You do nothing to have your seat, He did all. This is where the place of diving exchange is possible. The very word for "Table" in greek means a place for exchange.

We can sit down at a table, and yet not fully "recline" in the place we have been given. Until we are fully submitted in that seat, we are not seated.

It is a whole process, and we will dive into it soon. For now, you may want to watch my recent intro teaching on tables here that I released at EGJAX here

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