Desiring a Spiritual Father
December 27, 2024
So you want a spiritual father huh?
To desire a spiritual fathering leader is a good thing, but it can also be a terrible thing.
A healthy spiritual father is not as interested in what you want, as much as they are interested in helping what God wants become the only thing that You want. A good spiritual fathering leader will help you come to realize that you have been wasting the best of your life on personal potential rather than embodying God’s divine eternal purpose.
Many sons and daughters desire in their immaturity fathers that say, “Come and walk this very wide way!” “You can be anything you WANT to be.” However, Jesus says that the way is narrow, and fathers help you see that what you call narrow BEFORE meeting them is quite broad AFTER. THIS Road narrows.
Fathering leaders that walk in a fathering anointing will cause trouble in your other relationships. It’s true. The adversary desiring to stop inheritance sends an army to convince you to come into agreement with them and out of the narrow way. They give you options, fathers heal the orphan.
Most good fathering leaders have places with a bad reputation. Because they have learned the lessons they never spent one moment protecting their reputation, rather than wasted their lives on others no matter the cost.
Maturing sons and daughters feel “the pulling away” and fall victim to the undertones of Pharoah, while fathers felt it long before and bare the heart ache of watching some leave and live in a pig trough.
Good fathers teach sons and daughters to fear no man, including themselves by positioning sons and daughters to experience the fear of the Lord. They bare the chest, exposing the heart to the dagger of unrealistic expectations, uncircumcised heart, and fleshly fantasy.
Bad Fathers tell you to live your best life, authentic fathers hand you a shovel and give you a map to your plot.