A Solemn Assembly
December 13, 2024
Last year, the Lord asked me to lay down the most wonderful work opportunity to spend a year building foundations for a great harvest coming upon the earth. The cost was the biggest I had ever paid. Not only monetarily, but things I had believed for in a position for a long time.
I once said, I NEVER want to rely upon people being faithful as the way God will provide for my ministry. From 1998-11/2023, I was always in "biznistry." Bi-vocationalism should be honored.
The Lord said, "Lay it down" while in Wales and walk into "full time faith" at the special bridge crossing. I was not the only one He spoke that to.
That was actually not the end of laying things down, as there were two other marked moments that came over the year where the dying went deeper.
I die daily.
With focused precision, stones were hewn by the Spirit, and placed into an order that now the Lord Himself builds upon as we build with Him, consistent to how He is building within us.
I end this year with the sentiment, "Whew, THAT was intense!"
We went into nations, and states, we saw families healed and restored, people completely transformed, physical healing in folks I have been believing for, new God-ordained relationships, powerful friendships, and new destines to serve. We saw deliverance at a level I didn't realize was possible.
We saw the birth of healing streams which is now being sought after personally to bring healing and deliverance to lovers and leaders,
We commissioned 5 fold leaders, and constructed an international school of encounter which begins the foundation stone of a world class college preparing laborers for the harvest, and moved into a new facility given by God Himself through the mouth of Prophets from other nations.
Entire nations asking for a healthy revelation of The Fathering Spirit without the Pharaoh-ism , Figurehead-ism, that has been so expanded among the westernized nations.
We saw healthy kingdom family expressions form in houses, where 9 months of embodied intercessions gave birth to the Lord supernaturally building A people within people. We saw new elders, pastors, commissioned. We saw worship in multiple languages but ALL making one sound.
God said, "If East Gate Kingdom Fellowship Jacksonville is to be a house of glory. it must first be a house of reconciliation."
We saw this powerfully manifest in relational reconciliation that several leaders have said to me, "I have never seen that happen in such short time!"
It has been a good hard year. I saw good people come and go. I saw some folks who I know were intended to be friends but would not pay the price of being my friend. Some might say it is hard to be my friend
Ever thing we touched that God asked us to brilliantly prospered. We didn't see one thing diminish as some said would happen.
We saw powerful international ekklesia legislation happen! A work which ended up going around the world as principalities were toppled. We weren't the only one but we were some of those that took a part in it!
We are now in the Year of the "Skin" and heading towards the "Ephod" of the Fall of 2025. I will minister on this in a special prophetic service on 12/28 with some keys to prospering.
We have not even seen the tip of the iceberg that the shaking and exposure that is coming.
On 12/28 I will call an Ekklesia Solemn Assembly with worship, prayer, fasting, and a time of prophetic release and apostolic establishing. An international team of 5 fold prophets and prophetic leaders will be ready to minister words of the Lord personally.
If you are in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, MS, or LA, or anywhere else and feel the stirring to join us for this time, please make plans to attend.